Speak Takraw Is a Traditional Malaysian sport and is popular in south East Asian countries. It is’ played in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei and Indonesia. Sepak Takraw was introduced in India in 1980 when a group of sports enthusiast in Nagpur obtained printed materials and photographs from the Sepak Takraw Federation of Malaysia with Shri Tajuddin Ahmed as the Secretary General.

During the same period a meeting of sports lovers was held in the office of Nagpur Sharirik Shikshan Mahavidyalaya and Sepak Takraw Federation of india was formed with Adv. S. W. Dhabe, Member of Parliament as its President, Mr. Salim Baig as Secretary General an Mr. Joseph Rao as treasurer. The formation of Federation was on the eve of the Asian Games held in Delhi from Nov. 19 1982 to Dec. 4, 1982, to Dec. 4, 1982. Since the Sepak Takraw was a demonstration sport in Asian Games ’82 in Delhi, a Sepak Takraw contingent from the Asian Sepak Takraw Federation (Hq. Kualalumpur) was invited by the spl. Organising Committee of the Asian Games. The contingent comprised of playing members from Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei and India.

The newly formed Sepak Takraw federation of India was entrusted with the organization of the event at Karnail Singh Stadm in Delhi on Nov. 23 in the afternoon. The demonstration was a big success and team from South East Asian countries along with infant Indian team gave a spectacular show before a capacity crowd in Delhi. The demonstration was telecast live and print media gave a very good coverage, the then Prime Minister of India Mrs. Indira Gandhi who took special interest I organizing the event and including Sepak Takraw as demonstration event was the guest of honour at the demonstration.

She was introduced to the players and officials by Sepak Takraw federation of India President Mr. S.W. Dhabe, the then M.P. Speaking on the occasion Prime Minister had praised the contribution of Asian Sepak Federation for sending a big contingent of players to make the demonstration a success. She indeed asked to encourage the traditional Malaysian sport of Sepak Takraw in India, so that South East Asian countries playing Sepak Takraw will reciprocate to popularize Indian indigenous sport like Kabaddi, Atya Patya and Kho-Kho in their countries. That was the beginning of the Sepak Takraw I India which got off to a fine start in 1982.

Immediately after the 1982 demonstration in Delhi During Asian Games at Kamall Singh Stadium, the Federation initiated Demonstration of Sepak Takraw in other parts of the country to seizer the opportunity of availability of the Sepak Takraw contingent from Asian Sepak Takraw Federation which had come for Asian Games demonstration. The Federation organised demonstration at Bombay. Nagpur and in Delhi outside the Asian Games venue. The demonstration in Bombay and Nagpur were organised by the state Assocition under the full . guidance of Federation.

After the successful demonstration the federation took keen interest in promoting this sport in India. So far Xllth National championships have been conducted in different cities. At present, 24 State Associations are affiliated to the Federation. Indian team participated I nl4th Kings Cup world Sepak Takraw championship at Bangkok in the year 1998 and our team has won the silver medal in women section and bronze medial in men section, Indian team also participated in the 15th king cup Sepak Takraw world championship held from 26th Nov. to 1st Dec. 99 and our men’s team won the Gold Medial in Regu event.

Our Federation was recognized by Indian Olympic Association in 1998 and Sepak Takraw was one of the disciplines in the 5th national Games held in Imphal, Manipur. Sepak Takraw has become regular discipline in the Asian Games from the 4th Asian Games at Beijing, China, Head Quarter of the International Sepak Takraw Federation and Asian Sepak Takraw Federation is in Bangkok, Thailand.

साल 2018 में जकार्ता में हुए एशियन गेम्स (Asian Games) में जब भारत ने ब्रॉन्ज मेडल जीता तब पहली बार देश में सेपक टकरा (Sepak Takraw) की चर्चा हुई. बहुत कम ही लोग इस खेल के बारे में पहले से जानते थे. ओलिंपिक में शामिल सेपक टकरा (Sepak Takraw) उन खेलों में शामिल है जिसमें एशियन देश अपना वर्चस्व रखते हैं.  सेपक टकरा को भारत मे ंकिक वॉलीबॉल (Kick Volleball) भी कहा जाता है. यह खेल दरअसल वॉलीबॉल और फुटबॉल को मिश्रण हैं.

एशिया में हुई थी खेल की शुरुआत
इस खेल का ज़िक्र 14वीं शताब्दी के Malacca Sultanate में मिलता है. वर्तमान में इसे मलेशिया के नाम से जाना जाता है. उसी समय से ये गेम पूरे दक्षिण एशिया में फैल गया था. मलेशिया में इसे Sepak और थाईलैंड में Takraw कहा जाता है. मलय भाषा में Sepak का मतलब होता है ‘किक’ और थाई भाषा में Takraw को ‘बॉल को मारना’. चूंकी इन दोनों देशों का ही इस खेल में दबदबा है, इसलिए इसका नाम सेपक टकरा रख दिया गया. इस खेल को अलग-अलग जगह अलग-अलग नामों से जाना जातै ह. मलेशिया में इसे सेपक रागा या टकरा कहा जाता है. वहीं थाईलैंड में इस केवल टकरा बलोते हैं. म्यांमार में इसे चिन कहचे हैं वही फिलिपींस में इसे सिपा कहा जाता है.